car accident lawyer Taylorsville, Utah

5 Common Misconceptions About Car Accident Lawyers

Let’s be honest – car accident lawyers aren’t always held in the highest regard. Many people in Taylorsville, Utah, view all attorneys in a negative light, and professionals who practice personal injury law have a particularly bad reputation. From our standpoint, this is quite unfortunate, as the stigma surrounding accident attorneys stops some injured victims from getting the help they need.

As a trusted Utah personal injury law firm specializing in accident claims, we frequently hear stories of people who are reluctant to seek legal assistance after suffering serious injuries as a result of someone’s negligent or wrongful actions. Their reasons for not wanting to work with an attorney are varied, but the logic is often based on misinformation and incorrect assumptions.

To combat this and, hopefully, shed light on the personal injury claims process, we’re debunking some of the most common misconceptions about car accident attorneys. Read on, and you’ll know why every injured victim should consider hiring a skilled legal professional.

Misconception 1: All Car Accident Lawyers are Ambulance Chasers

Like realtors, accountants, travel agents and professionals with other areas of expertise, lawyers need clients. The clients car accident attorneys represent are victims of motor vehicle accidents – but the stereotypical image of a lawyer stalking the halls of a hospital in hopes of finding clients is way off target.

Under rule 7.3 of the Utah Rules of Professional Conduct, lawyers cannot solicit clients in person, over the phone or via the internet. Reputable Taylorsville accident attorneys don’t look for injured victims at local hospitals or anywhere else, as that would be an ethics violation. Predatory lawyers are out there, but that type of behavior is uncommon in northern Utah.

Misconception 2: Money Is the Only Concern of a Car Accident Lawyer

Some people in Taylorsville seem to think that money-grubbing attorneys always come out on top in personal injury claims, taking home more cash than their clients. This isn’t the case at all – accident lawyers do make every effort to secure the biggest possible settlement or jury award, but this is mutually beneficial.

Fighting for the maximum in damages is the only way a car accident attorney can hold the at-fault party accountable for the injuries and losses a client has suffered. Victims of Utah motor vehicle accidents deserve justice, and that’s what these legal professionals aim to provide. When successful, justice simply happens to come in the form of financial compensation.

Misconception 3: Most People Can’t Afford to Hire a Car Accident Lawyer

More than a few car accident victims believe that hiring an attorney will only result in them getting less compensation, as that’s what insurance adjusters say. However, adjusters don’t advocate for the injured – it’s their job to devalue personal injury claims, and getting people to represent themselves helps in that regard.

The reality is, though, that accident attorneys don’t take any money away from their clients. Not only do victims who have legal representation routinely walk away with more money than those who don’t, but most Taylorsville professionals who specialize in personal injury law work on a contingency fee basis. So, if a case doesn’t end in a win, the client pays no legal fees.

Misconception 4: A Car Accident Lawyer Is an Unnecessary Expense

In Utah, victims of motor vehicle accidents aren’t required to have legal representation. Anyone who suffers injuries due to someone else’s negligence or misconduct can handle their own case, and the plethora of information to be found online makes it possible to secure a decent settlement.

At the same time, this approach is rather difficult. Insurance adjusters know that victims who aren’t working with car accident attorneys are unlikely to file lawsuits. That being so, reasonable offers aren’t forthcoming. Going it alone almost never results in the most favorable case outcome – and many people who decide not to hire a car accident attorney don’t get the fair value of their personal injury claim.

Misconception 5: Car Accident Lawyers Don’t Resolve Cases Quickly

Dealing with the aftermath of a motor vehicle accident is challenging enough. With the pain and suffering, the slew of medical appointments and the stress of taking on insurance adjusters, does anyone who’s been seriously injured have the time or energy to consult with an attorney?

Actually, turning a personal injury claim over to a Taylorsville car accident lawyer gives an injured victim the freedom to focus on recovering. The attorney and their legal team takes charge of the settlement negotiations and, if need be, they do whatever is necessary to take the case to court. Plus, with legal representation, most people enjoy a speedier resolution.

Contact an Experienced Car Accident Lawyer Today

If you’ve been severely injured in a motor vehicle accident, you deserve to be fairly compensated for all of your losses – and there’s no denying that insurance adjusters don’t have your best interests in mind. Hire an attorney with experience in crash-related personal injury claims, and you’ll stand a much better chance of achieving a favorable case outcome.

At Cockayne Law, a trusted law firm serving northern Utah, our legal team offers free, no-obligation consultations to injured victims. To discuss your claim with one of the best car accident lawyers in the Taylorsville area, contact our office today.