car accident attorney West Valley City, Utah

Why Car Accident Attorneys Say to Stay Off Social Media After a Crash

Has a West Valley City car accident attorney told you to take a break from social media? Doing so may not be what you’d prefer, but if you’ve been seriously injured as a result of someone else’s negligence, following that advice would be wise.

In the event your Utah car accident case ends with a settlement, your social media activity will be of no concern. But if your attorney needs to file a lawsuit to fight for the financial compensation you deserve, posts on any social platform could prove to be a problem. Insurance company investigators and defense lawyers scrutinize everything that injured victims share online, and they won’t hesitate to use an out-of-context photo or post to refute your personal injury claim. Read on to learn more.

Social Media Content is a Matter of Public Record

When you post anything on any social platform, you might think you’re only sharing that information with certain people. However, even if your profiles are all set to private, none of them are actually private.

In Utah, as in every other state, people who post photos and comments online should have no expectation of privacy. Your social media accounts – and possibly those of your family and friends – may be mined for evidence by investigators working for the insurance company. And as any West Valley City car accident attorney will tell you, the information they find can be used against you in court.

Social Media Can Have a Negative Impact on Your Case

Here at Cockayne Law, our car accident attorneys have seen more than a few cases go sideways because of social media. Insurance companies always look for ways to devalue claims, and any online post could be problematic.

How so? If you’re like many car accident victims, you may have no objective proof as to how and when your injuries occurred. Or to say it another way, it’s your word against the other party involved. Whether new or old, a seemingly innocuous social media post – like a video showing you happily engaged at a social event or a statement about your pain issues — could paint your case in a different light. And as a result, the court might determine that you don’t have a valid personal injury claim.

Do’s and Don’ts of Social Media After a Car Accident

Clearly, being cautious in regards to social media use would be in your best interests. But while your West Valley City car accident attorney might prefer you to stay away from every social platform until your personal injury claim has reached a resolution, doing that may not be practical – after all, cases of this nature can take more than a year to resolve.

With that in mind, here are the social media do’s that experienced car accident attorneys recommend for protecting the integrity of your claim:

DO change the privacy settings on your profiles.

While locking down your accounts to keep the general public from being able to access the information doesn’t make everything completely private, doing so will help make your posts more secure.

DO ask others not to post anything related to the crash.

Loved ones may want to share information about your injuries or the car accident with their friends, so be sure to let them know that anything they post could be used as evidence against your claim.

DO mind the comments you make on social media posts.

People can often see the comments other people make on social platforms, and you wouldn’t want an innocent statement about a friend’s post to cast any doubt on the validity of your claim.

When using social media after filing a personal injury claim, experienced car accident attorneys say to look at every post with a critical eye – and remember these don’ts:

DON’T post any pictures of yourself or your injuries.

Insurance investigators and lawyers may try to use any photo of you smiling to show that you aren’t badly injured, and pictures meant to document your injuries could easily be misinterpreted.

DON’T share any information that pertains to your claim.

Whether it’s your side of the story, updates on your recovery or details on how the case is progressing, posting anything online could make it more difficult to get the compensation you deserve.

DON’T accept new online friends or followers after a crash.

Finding injured victims on social media and following them or making a friend request is a tactic used by insurance company investigators and defense lawyers, as this allows for easier access to information.

Speak with an Experienced Car Accident Attorney Today

If you’ve been seriously injured in a car crash that wasn’t your fault, following the advice above could make all the difference in the outcome of your personal injury claim – and so could assistance from an experienced car accident attorney in West Valley City, Utah. Cockayne Law is here to meet your needs, and we’d be happy to discuss your case. Contact us for a free consultation today!