car accident lawyer West Jordan, Utah

Is It Ever Too Late to Hire a Utah Car Accident Lawyer?

So, you were injured in a West Jordan car crash some time ago, and while you’ve been focused on recovering, you’ve come to realize that hiring a Utah car accident lawyer would be to your benefit. After all, you didn’t cause the collision, and you deserve to be compensated for the injuries and losses you’ve suffered.

The question is, can you still hire an attorney? Or is it too late to get a personal injury law firm to take your case?

If you haven’t accepted a settlement from the at-fault party’s insurance provider, there’s only one reason it might be past the point when a car accident lawyer could help – missing the deadline to take legal action. Every state has a statute of limitations, or time limit, for filing personal injury and property damage claims. Here’s a look at how the law works in Utah.

Utah’s Statute of Limitations for Car Accident Claims

When someone suffers harm due to the negligent or reckless actions of another party, they have the legal right to pursue compensation. That said, the statute of limitations is strictly enforced in Utah, and failure to file a claim in time almost always results in a dismissal.

What are the filing deadlines? For a Utah car accident injury claim, the time limit is four years from the date of the collision. To recover compensation for vehicular damage, the cutoff is even sooner, just three years from the accident date.

When You Should Contact a Utah Car Accident Lawyer

Four years to file a personal injury claim and three years for a property damage claim – that may seem like a long time, but building a strong case is no quick and easy task.

Preparation is crucial to securing the best possible case outcome, and waiting until the last minute to contact a Utah car accident attorney could compromise your efforts to obtain the compensation you deserve. The longer it has been since the date of your collision, the more difficult it will be to recover evidence and find capable witnesses. Plus, the at-fault party and their insurance company may say that too much time has gone by to accurately assess damages.

Time is a definite factor, and the best time to contact a Utah personal injury law firm is as soon as possible. Starting the legal process early on maximizes your chance at a favorable outcome – with the help of an experienced car accident lawyer, you’re more likely to receive a larger payout.

Why You Need an Experienced Utah Car Accident Lawyer

In an ideal world, the insurance company of the at-fault party in a car accident would simply provide you with fair financial compensation for the injuries and losses you suffered. That’s not likely to happen.

As a matter of course, insurance adjusters typically try to get accident victims to accept quick, low-ball settlement offers. Upon rejection, they switch tactics and start dragging their feet, knowing that injuries, lost wages and mounting bills put victims in a vulnerable position. At some point, people often think that accepting a settlement – whatever the amount – is the only option. In reality, turning to an experienced Utah car accident lawyer is a much better solution.

Having a skilled and knowledgeable attorney in your corner can greatly reduce your stress, as the steep costs of recovery will not be a concern. You can rely on a lawyer to protect your interests, and when you let a Utah personal injury law firm take the reins in your case, you can put your mind to recovering.

How an Experienced Utah Car Accident Lawyer Can Help

We’ve given you a general idea of what you have to gain by working with a legal professional. To get more details and advice that pertains to your case, you can always schedule a legal consultation — most personal injury law firms in Utah, including Cockayne Law, offer free, no-obligation case evaluations.

Hire an attorney who specializes in Utah car accident claims, and you’ll have an expert who can help you by:

  • Answering your questions about the legal process
  • Explaining your rights as an injured victim in the state of Utah
  • Conducting an investigation and gathering proof to support your claim
  • Engaging in settlement negotiations with the insurance company
  • Filing a lawsuit, in the event a settlement agreement cannot be reached

Also, an experienced car accident lawyer will fight for every single dollar you deserve. Depending upon the specifics of a case, injured victims in Utah may have the legal right to compensation for:

  • Past medical bills as well as ongoing and future treatment expenses
  • Lost income due to taking time off from work after a car crash
  • Lost earning capacity when injuries affect future employment options
  • Pain and suffering or mental anguish attributable to the accident
  • Repair costs or the fair market value of a car that is labeled a total loss

Injured car accident victims may also be able to collect compensation for loss of enjoyment, loss of consortium, disfigurement and other damages. At Cockayne Law, we pursue every possible opportunity that applies to a case – and we know how to get results. For a free consultation to discuss your situation with an experienced Utah car accident lawyer, contact our West Jordan office today.