Car Accident Settlement

Why Is My Car Accident Settlement Taking So Long?

If you were injured in a collision caused by someone else, the road to recovery may be a long one. As you may know, working with an experienced West Valley City car accident attorney increases the likelihood of your claim being approved. And with a lawyer’s help, walking away with a greater amount of cash is to be expected.

But why is your car accident settlement taking so long to finalize?

The slow pace of the claims process tries the patience of many victims, but complex cases – like those involving liability disputes or serious injuries – can take anywhere from six months to two or more years to resolve. Understanding the potential reasons for the prolonged timeline may help reduce your frustration. Here, we explain why settlement agreements can be delayed and why having a car accident attorney in your corner can make a significant difference.

Medical Treatment

To settle for the full value of your claim, you need to reach the point of maximum medical improvement. That does not necessarily mean you are completely recovered, just that your condition has improved as much as is medically possible. Until then, the full extent of your damages will not be known.

Settling before you have worked out the future costs of your accident-related injuries can lead to you being grossly undercompensated. After all, once you accept a settlement, you cannot ask for more money. So, your wait may be worthwhile.

Lengthy Investigation

One of the key factors contributing to the slow progress of the car accident settlement process is the need for a thorough investigation. A comprehensive assessment of the collision must be done to determine the course of events, who is liable and what damages can be recovered.

Investigations can be time-consuming, even for an experienced car accident attorney, as proving liability may require interviews with witnesses, the collection of evidence and legal analysis. Unfortunately, there’s little you can do to fast-track the fieldwork.

Record Gathering

Another potential reason your car accident settlement is taking so long to resolve could be the difficulty of record gathering. The insurance company will want to have copies of all relevant medical bills, documents that establish the cost of treatment and paperwork to prove the amount of your lost income.

Many people believe that collecting the above-mentioned documentation is as simple as making a few calls or venturing online, but this may not be the case. Records departments are often backlogged, and your requests may be at the back of a long line.

Negotiation Disputes

The initial offer from an insurance adjuster is likely to fall far short of the amount of compensation you deserve. Either you or your car accident attorney will need to negotiate to maximize your settlement, and the back-and-forth can take a good amount of time. What’s more, lowball offers may be made with the intent to delay.

Whether insurance adjusters slow down the process, hoping you will accept a lower offer, or negotiations fail and the case goes to trial, you may have to fight to reach a favorable resolution. With this sort of challenge, there may not be a swift ending.

Outstanding Bills

After you have reached maximum medical improvement, completed the investigations, gathered the necessary records and gone through negotiations or litigation, a settlement agreement is made. In most cases, the insurance company sends out a check payable to you and your car accident attorney. Yet you are still waiting for your money. Why?

Liens, or debts owed to medical providers who treated you on a deferred payment basis, must be paid out of the settlement. Before your funds can be disbursed, your attorney needs to negotiate final payoff amounts – this is essential, as any creditor who goes unpaid can bring a civil suit against you.

How a Skilled Car Accident Attorney Can Expedite the Process

Now that you understand what could be causing your car accident settlement to take such a long time, you might wonder how a lawyer can navigate the delays and bring your case to an end more quickly. An experienced car accident attorney can make a difference by:

  • Applying the laws that apply to your case, resolving any issues that may arise and countering the tactics of the insurance company
  • Accurately calculating your medical expenses, lost income and non-economic damages, then negotiating for the full value of your claim
  • Handling all legal paperwork, ensuring that everything is done correctly and at the proper time, minimizing the odds of delays due to filing errors
  • Representing your interests at trial, should that become necessary, presenting your case in a light that allows for the best possible outcome

At Cockayne Law, we understand that reaching a fast, fair settlement is of the utmost importance. Our legal team is here to help you in navigating the process, and you can count on us to pursue the compensation you deserve for medical bills, lost income and other accident-related losses.

If you have filed a claim, but your car accident settlement is taking a long time – or if you want assistance with the claims process – contact Cockayne Law. Chris Cockayne, an accomplished car accident attorney serving West Valley City and the surrounding northern Utah area, can explain your legal options during a free, no-obligation consultation. Contact our office for a complementary case evaluation today.