car accident attorney Kearns, Utah

Car Accident Lawyers Offer Tips on Talking to Insurance Adjusters

Has a car wreck in Kearns, Utah, left you with serious injuries? Hiring an experienced car accident lawyer would be well-advised, as doing so boosts the odds of success with your personal injury claim. But given the challenges of the recovery process, contacting a local law firm may still be on your to-do list – and an insurance adjuster representing the other motorist’s carrier could call at any time.

What should you do if that happens? How do highly skilled car accident lawyers recommend handling the phone call? Read on for tips from the Cockayne Law team.

Proceed with Caution

When the conversation starts, the insurance adjuster you speak with may seem to be friendly, sympathetic to the losses you’ve suffered. Don’t be fooled – the two of you aren’t on the same side.

For the other motorist’s insurance carrier, the number one goal isn’t to settle personal injury claims fairly. They’d rather pay out as little as possible or, better yet, offer nothing at all. Adjusters often use tricky tactics to get people talking, and if you say the wrong thing, you might inadvertently undermine your case. Keep this in mind, and avoid getting chatty. 

Keep Calm and Be Courteous

Experienced car accident lawyers in Kearns, Utah, say that when an insurance adjuster calls, speaking in a polite and professional manner is the best way to handle the situation.

You’re no doubt feeling pretty aggravated about the car wreck and the injuries you sustained, but lashing out at the adjuster isn’t going to help. What’s more, doing that could even backfire, as your words could be twisted to make a case that you were the one responsible for the accident. Try to remain unruffled to keep your claim from being shot down.

Say No to Being Recorded

There’s every chance that the insurance adjuster will ask if it’s ok to record the phone call – and you shouldn’t agree. Instead, politely decline, expressing that the idea makes you feel uncomfortable.

Adjusters often make the request for a recorded statement in a way that gives the impression that it’s the standard procedure. Or, they simply make it seem as though everyone involved is legally obligated to comply. Neither is true, and if you give the adjuster the go-ahead to record the conversation, you may be giving them ammunition to justify a minimal payout.

Take Notes While You Talk

When you do get around to calling a Kearns car accident lawyer, you can expect them to ask about conversations you’ve had with insurance adjusters. So, make an effort to jot down key information as you talk.

Begin by noting the name, address and phone number of the adjuster and the name of the insurance carrier they represent. Throughout the chat, put important details in writing, including information you receive and any you provide. Record any requests and offers made by the insurance adjuster, too, and when the call ends, confirm that your notes are complete.

Only Share Basic Information

Any insurance adjuster you speak with will try to encourage you to tell your side of the story, but car accident lawyers caution against providing anything other than rudimentary information.

Giving your full name and current Kearns address is fine, as is sharing the name of your employer. You can also tell the adjuster about the makes and models of the vehicles involved, if you know them, and the identities of any witnesses to the car wreck. If pressed to provide more details, respond by saying that the investigation is ongoing and you’re unable to divulge more at this time.

Don’t Talk About Your Injuries

More likely than not, the adjuster will ask questions about the injuries you sustained in the car accident. Lawyers say you don’t need to answer – you can and should keep all health information to yourself.

Not revealing anything about the nature or extent of your injuries is in your best interests, as your doctors could identify a new accident-related injury at some point down the line. Or, your injuries could get worse. Whatever you say about your condition now could end up being inaccurate, so tell the adjuster you’re still in treatment and waiting for the doctors to tell you more.

Make Your Point of View Clear

When you don’t reveal much to the insurance adjuster, they’ll want to have another chat. According to car accident lawyers, you can discourage repeat calls by ending the conversation firmly.

Before you hang up, inform the adjuster that contacting you again isn’t necessary because you don’t have – and won’t have — any other information to share. Make it perfectly clear that you would rather have minimal contact going forward, and make a point of saying that there’s no way you’ll ever agree to a settlement offer without talking to your car accident lawyer first.

Speak to a Trusted Kearns Car Accident Lawyer Today

Working with an experienced legal professional is the best way to protect your rights after a car wreck, and the Cockayne Law team is ready to take action. Insurance adjusters are good at what they do, and you need an attorney with just as much skill. That’s what you’ll find at our Kearns law firm – contact us to schedule a free, no-obligation car accident lawyer consultation today.